Title: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
Author: Jennifer E. Smith
My Edition: Hardback; 236
Let's be superficial for a moment, the cover design of this book is so cute; and it suits the story so well! You can already tell what the story is about simply by looking at the cover.
At first, I thought this would just be another cliche and cheesy love story, but it turned out to be so much more than that. This story not only talks about love, but also contains some deep and inspiring issues, which taught me a lesson of life.
The story itself is very easy to get into because it is very realistic and it can happen to anyone. I love how Smith uses those flashbacks in between to aid us understand more about the characters and their feelings towards certain events. Also, this makes the protagonist very likable and it's easy for me to put myself into her shoe, because I can feel her.
To conclude, this book is like a cool and refreshing breeze in a hot summer day. If you are looking for a different contemporary read, a love story that speaks so much more than those cheesy romance, this could be the right one for you!
I've been eyeing this book for quite some time. I heard a lot of good things about it! Thanks for posting this! I might get it soon! :D