Title: The One (The Selection #3)
Author: Kiera Cass
My Edition: Paperback; 323 pages
The selection trilogy is a fairytale; a fairy tale that's not only full of love, but also struggles and sorrow.
As usual, Cass did a great job in telling a very lovely story. The plot is smooth; and the story is fast-paced. Cass' writing style is down-to-earth, making me easier to get into the story.
In The One, we are able to get to know more about the two main characters, America and Prince Maxon, who have quite a strong character development throughout these three books, which is great because it's like we are growing with the characters.
I also like the plot in this book, probably my favorite among the three. This trilogy is categorized as dystopian, but as the first two books, mainly focus on the romance; the dystopian part seems to be neglected. But in The One, we finally can see more of the dystopian and it plays quite an important part, although it's sudden and slightly incoherent in a sense.
All in all, I really did enjoy this trilogy; and the covers are beautiful (Bonus!). If you want some lighter dystopian that won't break your heart like The Divergent Trilogy, you should definitely try this one!
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