Title: The Taking (The Taking #1)
Author: Kimberly Derting
My Edition: Hardback; 357 pages
Publisher: Harper Teen
In The Taking, Kyra has a fight with her dad, and a sudden strong light flashes by, then she remembers nothing. After she wakes up and goes home, a strange man is there instead of her mom and dad. She is then being told that she's gone for 5 years, everything is not the same except her.
Seriously, a really exciting and unique concept. The story is really easy to get into; it's fast-paced and creepy, which is totally my cup of tea!
The characters are all very likable, especially Tyler, who's so sweet, so thoughtful, so artistic and basically he's everything! I also love the characters' development as I could really see the characters grow in the book.
The writing is so fast-paced, and because of the creepy events, it kept me so excited; I literally couldn't put it down because I just NEEDED to know what happened next! And now that I've finished the book, I'm craving for the second book...
Beware, bookworms, it's a book that's able to hypnotize you.
Stay Bookish, The Bookish Girl
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